Speech about Education for Student

Good morning.

On this occasion, I will be addressed with the title "about Education for Student"

Education is very important for every human being, because without education, people like animals, can't read, can't write, and isa has no knowledge. With a good education can deliver a successful man.

Speech about Education for Student 

Speech about Education for Student

The audience who I respect

We know the importance of education for children. Starting from the basic level of education, advanced education and so on. All of that requires a long and ongoing process. So from that teachers and parents should always control her son's education.

the best education that starts from the family, parents educate her son's character by giving examples in daily life. But sometimes parents let her son play with his friend without any supervision.

Educating and directing the children must comply with the children's talents and inclinations, such as children like to sing, then set your child in order to cultivate talents. Because creating and looking for talent that's harder than with directing children who are gifted.

students should also be able to divide the time to learn and play, so that education will not be disturbed.

The speech education for students from me, I say thank you.

see you at the next opportunity.

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